


Zane POV.

I didn't agree with my alpha, he yelled at the kitten after Lucifer told us we can have his heart, he didn't just say here you go, take my heart. Instead, I had to talk with the king of hell, we had long chats, about her and how to deal with her, he doesn't want his heart to be abused, and I talked in the name of my whole pack, although we've been hurt, and betrayed, we won't be hurting a girl who did nothing.

/"Beta, tell me why does your alpha want my heart?/" Lucifer asks me, it wasn't such a hard question, the question is really easy to that.

/"So you'll feel our pain,/" I answer him with a smile, the one who feels the worse pain is our alpha, but I'm the strongest wolf after him, and I personally feel the pain just as bad as him.