Chapter 3

#Chapter 3


A sticky surface runs over the left side of my face. In the heat of my comforter, I roll over and try to go back to sleep. Not a second later, two feet plonk over me and something nudges me underneath my jaw, followed by a tongue lapping over my skin.

/"Miles!/" Taking refuge under the layer of my comforter I hide from the morning beast.

A loud woof pierces through the foggy daze of my sleepiness, and I open my eyes and blink several times. Suddenly I feel multiple paws digging into my body and I throw the cover away and sit up.

/"I don't need an alarm./" When I've got you, Miles, I mutter to myself and greet my other best friend in the world.

Miles, my three-year-old dog is always next to me no matter what I'm doing. The only time he leaves me alone is when I'm in the bathroom, otherwise, he's onto me all the time. I don't mind that one bit.

/"Good morning Miles./" My fingers scratch the side of his neck and he patiently lets me.

I stare into his innocent set of brown eyes that weakens my heart every time I see them. They're untouched by the darkness of the world, and I'm proud of myself for keeping him safe.

Miles barks and then pants as he takes a twirl on the bed. He then hops down from the bed and ambles to the door. When he reaches it, he turns his head as if accusing me of not stepping out of the bed.

Rolling my eyes I go to the bathroom first and do my morning routine.

In the kitchen, I get Miles some water and fill his bowl with dog food. Then, I stir the batter for pancakes.

Even though Miles eats his share of food, he still prods me to share whatever I'm eating with him. I find that quite endearing. Whether it's pasta or a slice of pizza, I give him bits and listen to him munching on it noisily. That might be the most tedious thing, but each moment of us doing anything together brings me pure delight and happiness.

After flipping the pancakes, I make myself a glass of celery juice that's said to improve your skin and digestive tract. I almost vomited the whole thing when I first drained the juice down my throat. I've tried a fair share of drinks, but nothing compares to this abomination. For a whole week, I boycotted it and swore never to take a sip. But then the advantages of it weighed on my mind and since I've dealt with acne, dark spots, and blemishes as well as a laundry list of other flaws I decided to drink it for the sake of my skin. Thankfully, though, adding a few apples and lemon to it somewhat decreases the bitter taste.

My dog doesn't even need the juice, he's already got a coat of satiny golden fur that gleams in the sun. I love running my hand over him and snuggling into him. Even though he's a male, he doesn't push me away when I cling to him for a minute longer than usual. If anything he's always down to curl into my side or lay his head on my thighs.

Once I'm finished with breakfast, I change into my work clothes which consist of cream pants and a white top. Underneath I wear heels. I apply some makeup and slip on a few gold pieces.

I get my keys and purse and leave the door open for Miles.

Most days he goes with me to the office, where he lays in the corner of the room and watches me work or play with other people. My staff loves my golden retriever and is always looming over his head. Miles loves the attention. However, there are days when he stays home and doesn't join me. It all depends on his mood.

We both take the elevator and I open my car door for him. Gracefully he jumps onto the passenger seat and sits up with his tongue out.

When I join him he turns to me and it looks like he's smiling at me. Laughing and scratching his front I start the engine and get onto the road.

Bluebird Design is a twenty-minute drive from my condo, twenty-five when it rains or the traffic gets dense.

Part of me has always wanted to live in Seattle. The foremost reason being that it rains time after time, and I love rain. Sometimes it's annoying. Frequently walking on wet streets—especially in heels, everything being wet and slippery, carrying an umbrella along with bags, stepping away whenever a car passes by, and so much more. Despite the cons, the pros weigh them out.

Nothing beats the marvy earthy smell and the sight of branches littered with dripping beads of water.

Miles barks as we cross a park. His gaze trails the course of the vast patch of grass.

/"I'll take you on a walk during lunch break./" I stop the car at a red light and he turns to look at me. A huff is all I get in response.

/"Yes, Ivan can take you./" At the mere mention of his name, he brightens up.

/"You do know he's my best friend and not yours./" Miles lifts his paw and nudges my shoulder.

/"Nope buddy he's not. I'm your best friend./" A bark is all I get in reply.

Miles is equal to a human friend. He's incredibly smart and communicates so well that sometimes I'm surprised.

Arriving at the office, I walk into the small single-floored building. My pride is that I bought this place on my own. No one else contributed a single penny to this place. Not even my brother and father.

The Bluebird Design logo hangs on the top of the building. It consists of two blue birds touching heads, a golden strip of glitter surrounding them. I came up with the inspiration and drew it into the late hours of the night. I was too enthusiastic to leave the artwork in the middle. After all, I had spent years dreaming of this brand.

Even though the building looks congested from the outside, it's quite spacious and airy inside. The many windows in between the thick walls let the sunlight seep in. Each room is allotted for a different purpose. I chose the big room for conducting conference meetings with staff and clients. Another is a kitchen where everyone gets snacks, coffee, and other refreshments. Marketing and finance are managed by Declan and Ivan who have one medium room to work in. As for the designers, they all hang out in the lounge room where there is a good sound system to listen to music. Music equals creativity.

My company only deals with wedding card printing. But for the last six months, we've been dealing with demands for engagements and baby showers as well. Other categories are still to be explored.

When I established this company, I didn't have a certain direction in mind. In fact, I never envision anything beyond the next three months. I'm a go-with-the-flow sort of girl. Or at least circumstances and time have turned me into that.