Chapter 5

#Chapter 5


/"So I've got good news and bad news. Which one do you wanna hear first?/" Dread slips through the cracks of my resolve and I have to lean my head against the cold glass for support.

/"Bad news,/" I say, staring out at the pedestrians to distract myself.

I'm sitting in an ice cream shop waiting for my order of two scoops of strawberry flavor with rainbow sprinkles on the top.

The sun was in the sky when I left but turns out Seattle's weather is more indecisive than a toddler choosing which toy to play with. Soon gray clouds took over and it drizzled. Luckily I found a guy selling umbrellas right when it started showering and saved my favorite top and denim from getting drenched.

The rain had lasted a couple of minutes before disappearing, but the gray clouds are hovering over the city with the promise of torrential rain.

/"So Opal has decided to resign. She turned in her resignation letter this evening after you left. Which I think was planned. I mean we all know if she did that in person you would have convinced her otherwise./" Sudden shock grips my heart and then wraps around my heart like a vice. It aches as I think of losing someone on my small team.

Opal is someone I found on Instagram creating stunning artwork that compelled me to message her and offer her a job right on the spot. She is one of those individuals I handpicked personally.

/"Why did she leave Ivan?/" I whisper through the brimming sorrow bubbling in the depth of my stomach.

/"Well... she didn't give any particular reason but Jessica told me that it's because she thinks she isn't thriving here. That the exposure and experience she is chasing can't be found when we don't get swamped with orders all the time. She said and I quote 'I want to work more because I love doing what I do. But I barely get anything to do here. The company is going bankrupt and I don't want to go down when it does.' Now that shit hurts even me, but please don't take her words to heart. We aren't going bankrupt./"

Truth be told, I can see it coming. Clear as the sky on a summer day, I can visualize myself packing my stuff, giving one last speech to my staff, and then hanging a giant padlock on the place of my dreams. The epiphany of it alone sends a chill right down my spine and something icy resides in my chest above my heart.

/"She's not wrong Ivan,/" I murmur.

/"For fuck's sake, don't you dare fucking believe her Evelyn. Don't let her words get to you. I didn't tell you all of that so you can dig yourself a cave to crawl in and cry. I told you because I don't keep stuff from you. Anyway, let's forget about her, and let me tell you the good news./"

I see the teenager behind the counter gesturing to me to collect my cup. I pay her and take my cup after thanking her.

/"The good news is, we've got two new orders for the next two weeks. Meaning we have four days to work on them. Seems like the promotional ads Jessica designed worked./" Delight fills my chest and I almost drop my ice cream.

/"Really? How? When?/" Like a cannon, I fire off questions while grinning from ear to ear.

/"The orders came through our email address this afternoon. Before you ask, Yasmine is already on them. She's getting the details we need so we can start working on the cards. But this all happened after you left./" I can't hold my laughter of joy as I grip my phone tightly.

I left in the afternoon due to lack of work. Staying trapped in my office was making me insane. Eating ice cream to clear my mind seemed like a good remedy.

/"That's so awesome Ivan. This is the best thing that could happen to us at the moment./" The despair from earlier dissipates in the air like smoke.

/"I know right? Now buckle up because we're about to roll into work. The orders are from two famous people and the amount of money they're paying...Woah! Holy smokes./" I giggle as he fills me in on the details of the projects. Though something numbs my nerves at the reminder of Opal's departure. Trepidation hugs me as I think about anyone else leaving. The thought saddens me to the core.

/"As for Opal's position, we'll look for someone online to fill in for the time being, and find a permanent solution later./"

/"Sounds good. But I hope they don't mess up the work Ivan./"

/"It's just converting the design into a file Evelyn. Anyone can do that. The real work depends more on Jessica./"

/"I believe in her. She's brilliant./"

/"Me too. But I think you should overlook these projects with her. Just to be on the safe side./" Ivan is my consultant disguised as my best friend. No one guides me better than him—even though I'm used to managing stuff on my own, he still gives me suggestions and inputs from time to time.

/"I overlook everything Ivan./"

/"I know you do Buttercup./" I scowl at the nickname but don't rebuke him about it.

After I end my call, a joyous feeling whirs inside of me, and I am filled with hope as I think of working on some new stuff.

The majority of the time, the wedding cards are all we print, but this time the proposals are about a birthday party and an office party. The categories Jessica and I haven't worked on often. But there's always a first time to delve into unknown waters and try to find your new comfort.

As much as I see these new proposals as opportunities, I also think of them as challenges.

Jessica has drawn stunning birthday cards before, some so beautiful that I wanted to keep them for myself. Birthday cards we can deal with. However the office party invites are new territory. As much as I feel afraid to mess up, I'm adamant about not letting the nerves get to me.

This challenge could help me prepare more for the industry and expand my company. And hire staff who wouldn't leave me for lack of work. That one really stings.