Chapter 15

#Chapter 15


Paul has been my housekeeper for five years. Back when I started the company and lived in a cheap apartment, he was there to make me food and keep my place clean.

When you're a businessman, each minute is worth something. And I didn't want to waste it by pondering over what to cook for dinner or spending an hour at a laundromat.

It cost me quite some money to hire him, but it was worth it. I wouldn't be here if I hadn't made that decision.

Connor mocked me for months about hiring Paul, but when I founded my headquarters and spent a fortune building it, Connor agreed that I wasn't stupid after all.

My alarm wakes me up and I hit the gym where I exercise for an hour and then take a quick shower. By the time I put on a suit and stroll into the kitchen, Paul is already frying eggs with his yellow spatula.

/"Morning Paul,/" I greet quietly.