Chapter 21

#Chapter 21


Everything and everyone in the room is silent. Though I'm way busy staring into the blue irises of her eyes that are burning with rage. And it hurts to know that all that rage is directed at me.

/"Ms. Melgren I'm not going anywhere until you listen to my proposal./" We inch toe to toe as she glares at me while I enjoy the features of her face, which appeal to me more than ever.

A throat clears beside me and Connor jumps in. /"So you're Evelyn. I must say you're more beautiful in person./"

I arch an eyebrow at him in warning, but he's already done the damage.

/"You've seen me before?/" Evelyn turns to him and Connor shoots me a panicked look. He just ruined it.

/"On your website. Bluebird Design. They have your picture on it so that's where I saw you./" Like an idiot, he advances his hand in her direction and Evelyn takes it after a second of hesitation.