Chapter 25

#Chapter 25


It's Wednesday today. Two days since Warren strolled into my office—as if he owns it, and coaxed me to sign a contract with him.

No matter how much I infuriated him by making changes, his determination didn't sway even once. He got what he came for.

I wonder if that's what he's aiming for. If he wants to take control of everything and everyone I have in life just so I will listen to him. Then he's got another thing coming.

Since the first evening, he hasn't once attempted to apologize to me for all the crap he put me through and the mess he left my life in. I had expected some kind of redeeming act from him. Even the word 'sorry' will do, but no! His ass is as stubborn as a chief commander.

Warren would never ask me forgiveness because in his eyes he was never wrong. It was me, Evelyn Melgren who ruined him and his life whilst he did nothing wrong.