Chapter 28

#Chapter 28


When I said Beth wouldn't be any trouble, I was wrong. The woman gets on my nerves more than Warren does. And that's something.

It's not like she isn't competent at her job; she is. It's the other things that drive me wild. She drills clients for details with a passive-aggressive attitude, which isn't how we operate. She rejects any clients who try to bargain—Beth may go for the wealthy ones but there is no leniency in the deadlines. And she calls her boss Warren—which shouldn't bother me in the least bit, but it does.

Of course, I am under a wonderful contract so I don't want to cause any more changes to it. Beth is no one that I can't deal with.

Tinsely and Justin on the other hand are perfect. Within a week they befriended everyone at the office and fell into the good graces of Miles who now spends his time with them. I guess he loves new people, even though he's wary of them at the start.