Chapter 30

#Chapter 30


What happened ten years ago appears in front of my eyes and a lump gathers in the column of my throat.

/"Oh, Evelyn. Come here, girl./" Throwing my arms around his neck I seek comfort in his embrace and let myself savor his warmth.

/"I hate him so much, Van./" Ivan rubs my back and it evokes a soothing wave that overtakes my sadness.

/"I know. I can't believe he did that to you. Especially to someone like you. You're a good person Evelyn./"

/"Good people get hurt the most./" Ivan curses in my neck.

/"That makes me want to go on a killing spree for revenge. Starting with Mr. Walter./" I laugh loudly.

/"Butchering his name now huh?/" I pull away and dab my eyes.

/"Of course. You shouldn't have expected any less from me./"

/"He told me that night that he won't give up on me./"

Ivan scowls at my words. /"He should because you aren't taking him back ever./"