Chapter 32

#Chapter 32


When I turn Warren is in my face looking down at me with an agitated expression.

/"Evelyn, you need to rest a little./" I roll my eyes.

/"I'm telling you, I'm fine./" Warren gives up by pinching the bridge of his nose.

/"Goddamnit!/" I hear him whisper and I choose to ignore him.

I cross the parking lot and enter my building. I can feel his presence as he tails behind me.

Ten years and I thought I had gotten rid of Warren Archer, but I should have known. That was too good to be true. The guy is like cancer. I can't get him out of my system nor can I find a cure.

/"Where is Miles?/" Warren asks and I bite my tongue to swallow down a sarcastic comment.

/"He must be here somewhere./" He's in the room with Tinsely.

I'm about to interrogate Warren about his unannounced arrival, but someone joins us and speaks before I can.