Chapter 44

#Chapter 44


/"I assume you got my present./" I freeze.

/"What present?/" I ask in an alarmed tone. My heart starts to race as hundreds of scenarios juggle in my mind.

/"You know, the car you mentioned,/" Michael states in a serious voice through the phone. Not a hint of amusement drips from his words. And that terrifies me.

Gulping a few pulls of water I sit down and look at Miles who cuddles on the couch beside me.

/"You better be joking Michael./" I rub my temple.

/"I'm not. It should be there in...3...2...1./" Just as he finishes talking, someone raps on my door, and my nerves tense in distress. Excitement also wraps its arms around me.

/"I'm gonna kill you!/" Taking long steps, I hurry to the door and yank it open. A stout man dressed in a uniform greets me with a nice smile and asks me to sign papers for car keys.

/"I'm sorry but I'm not signing these papers./"