Chapter 65

#Chapter 65


Over time I've learned to not feed into the darkness and sadness that swirls inside of me as if it's a part of my soul. I have a lot of blessings in my life. But those two, they're just there. Nothing can change that for me.

I sit in the cafe with Noah for an hour, talking and laughing. Later he drives me to my office but refrains from entering it due to Miles, whom I see peeking out at us from behind the glass door.

/"I had a great time with you today./"

/"I'm glad. It was great for me too./" Glancing at Miles I find him still looking at us.

/"Can I take you on a date?/"

I saw this coming but now that it's here. I don't know what to say. I'm conflicted.

Go on a date with him. Yasmine's words echo in my mind.

/"I'd love to,/" I say confidently.

I should give this a try. Maybe this comforting company that I share with Noah can become my new normal.