Chapter 67

#Chapter 67


/"You did what?!/" Connor screams at me, the sound echoing throughout his apartment. The apartment itself wasn't any less luxurious than mine, but it had a minimal design and was decorated with swaths of rich colors and somewhat odd abstract paintings.

/"I've told you twice already./" My eyes roll in agitation.

/"I know I shit's getting bad for you./" After a beat, he asks, /"Are you okay?/"

/"I'm not. She's going on a date with Noah fucking West. What do you expect, Connor?/" There's an edge in my voice, all my frustration seeping out.

/"I expect you to drink this night away and think about this in the morning with a fresh mind./"

Scoffing at his stupid suggestion I quaff whiskey and welcome the scorching burn of it as it slips down my throat. /"Our plan isn't working, C./"

/"You called me C. You never call me C unless you're fucking depressed./"