Chapter 70

#Chapter 70


A cold wind brushes past my shoulder and makes me aware of the fact that I've been staring at the road for a while.

Rubbing my arms I'm about to move when a voice from behind stops me.

/"So how was the date?/" Warren is here.

My heart races at the sound of his voice but I order it to calm down.

/"It was nice. Just like I wanted,/" I answer, turning around to face him.

/"Nice?/" Warren scoffs rudely as he closes the distance between us.

/"What? You wanted him to jump my bones?/" I watch him with my arms folded over my chest.

Warren's eyes fall to my chest and then drop lower. By the time they come back up to my face, my heart is beating a thousand miles per hour.

/"Certainly not./" There's so much venom in his words.

/"For your information, I don't let strangers have sex with me on a first date./"