Chapter 73

#Chapter 73


In the next hour, I call everyone to the conference room. I assign tasks as we begin preparations. Tinsely and Jessica are excited. Justin looks troubled. As for Declan and Ivan, they seem to sneak glances at each other and my suspicions rise to the ceiling.

If this is karma, I'm getting fucked in pain.

Tinsely and Jessica buy party supplies while the men move the furniture in the foyer transforming it into a hangout den.

We hang a few ornaments and set up a table for refreshments. 'Cruel Summer' by Taylor Swift is playing through the room's loudspeakers and everything is perfect.

Taking out my phone I text Warren.

Evelyn: We're having a party. Be here by three pm. Also, bring Connor with you.

A few seconds later he replies.

Warren: Stuck in an important meeting. Connor is with me. I don't think we'll make it.

Pretentious rich busy asshole.

Evelyn: Okay. No problem.