Chapter 76

#Chapter 76


For weeks I've felt this feeling. I know someone is watching me. It's evident from the number of times I've experienced this.

Just like always I turn and search through the room, but find no one in particular who has his eyes set on me. I look among others but everyone appears to be minding their own business.

I'm sure someone is onto me. But I can't pull a single piece of evidence for my suspicion. I have lost the number of times I've felt this stalker near me. However, like a ghost, he vanishes before I can bust him.

Gulping down my dry throat I quickly scurry the aisle and reach the counter. Using my credit card I pay for the products and rush out.

By the time I'm opening my car door, my heart is hammering like a little bird catching its last breaths. I can't seem to get a hold of the oxygen as fear solidifies in my veins.

My actions become sloppy and I'm a mess.