Chapter 86

#Chapter 86


I don't focus on her and quickly grasp the panties.

I drop down to her feet and she slides her feet into the spaces by taking my shoulders as support. Once I'm near her private parts I close my eyes and tug them right up.

A breath of air leaves her mouth and I take notice of it.

Next is the shirt that I button up on her.

/"I'll be out in a few minutes./" She says and I leave her.

Miles stays behind and I don't blame him. He's been worried sick for her.

I finish making the soup and pour it into a bowl.

The last meal I had was around 2 PM. After what's happened tonight to Evelyn, who's the most important person in my life, my appetite has vanished. I can't rest until I know she's okay.

I find Evelyn sitting in the living room.

I check the entrance door and lock it. A white bag is resting beside the door. Tristan must have dropped my clothes off.