Chapter 88

#Chapter 88


I fell asleep due to exhaustion, but not because I wanted to.

My eyes open expecting morning, but it doesn't look like morning at all.

The blinds are pulled in front of my windows and the room is drenched in semi-light. I always sleep with them open so if Miles and the alarm both fail, I still have mother nature to wake me up.

Turning over my bed I find Miles sleeping with his paw laid over me like a protective arm. My eyes watch the pattern of his breathing and odd calm fills my lungs like a breath of fresh air.

Miles hasn't left me. Even when he was away he was close to me. His eyes were attentive to every move my body was making.

I know he wouldn't understand if I'd describe the event to him, but I know he'd be able to understand my emotions. And somehow that's all I want from him.