Chapter 104

#Chapter 104


Warren's hard gaze doesn't move away from my face and somehow that gives me the courage to continue. Because he's interested in listening to my story.

/"I started getting a headache and soon vertigo came and knocked me off my feet. I think I passed out. I don't know for how long. When I woke up I put back the pills and slipped on a hoodie and went to the cemetery. I sat there until it was night and talked to mom. It didn't help because I needed someone to be there for me physically. I was alone and depressed. The girls who were my best friends had left town to attend college and no one was at the funeral./"

/"I should have been there,/" Warren says in a rough voice.

/"I'm glad you weren't. I was furious with you. And things would have spiraled./"

/"You needed a friend during that time and you had no one. Of course, I feel guilty, Evelyn./"

/"It doesn't matter./"

I arrange the board and start the game.