Chapter 110

#Chapter 110


/"He's inside sir,/" Tristan informs me.

Opening the door to the warehouse I step inside and find the culprit tied to a chair. His dark eyes find me immediately and a smirk itches his lips.

My fingers curl into fists but I inhale a deep breath. Extending a chair in front of him I sit down and get rid of my jacket.

/"You gave me a long run./" I fold my sleeves up to my elbows and lean forward on my knees.

/"You can kill me./" Victor, the thief, gruffs out in a nonchalant tone.

/"I will./" I know fear well enough to detect it. And the bastard is crippling in terror, under the tough exterior he's putting on.

/"What are you waiting for?/" My fist hits his cheek so hard that my bones displace under my skin.

/"Revenge./" I punch him across the jaw and hear the crack in the bone. Strangely, the sick twisted part of me savors the sound of it.