Chapter 119

#Chapter 119


/"What the fuck is going on here?/" Rage pours out of Michael like poison.

My heart sneaks in my chest in fear and I can feel it drumming like it's high on adrenaline.

/"Michael, what are you doing-/" Before I can finish the sentence he throws a punch across Warren's face and then pins him to the nearest wall.

/"What are you doing with my sister bastard?/"

I step toward him and his hard glare freezes me on the spot.

/"I asked you a fucking question./" Michael shouts at Warren, but he remains calm.

/"I want to fucking kill you./" My brother slams Warren into the wall and I see him closing his eyes in pain.

I pull Michael away from Warren and stand in between them. /"Stop hurting him./"

For a second my brother stares at me like I've grown two heads. His face contorts into surprise and a frown dips his eyebrows.