Chapter 121

#Chapter 121


On Friday Warren comes to pick me up for a lunch date. It's a surprise visit, one that I get in the middle of my weekly meeting with Beth and the team. But like a good boyfriend-mine does mean he's that but-he waits for me in my office.

When I enter it, his lips are on mine, and softly and sweetly he drinks every single worry of mine.

/"Hi./" His hot breath peppers my mouth and instead of greeting him, I dive for another kiss. An earth-shattering kiss that's wild and fiery. More like us.

/"Hey you./" My voice is breathy and my heart is slamming against my chest.

/"Get your stuff. We're going out./" He demands. Part of me wants to be stubborn and show him that he can't boss me around. But I'm slowly losing the fight in me.

The less I hear from Michael, the more my heart breaks.

I get my purse and leave Miles with Tinsely who's eager to play with him.