Chapter 125

#Chapter 125


/"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?/" He sits on the coffee table and stares at me in agony.

/"I didn't know how to. Also I didn't want to worry you. You had an important shoot./"

/"Fuck D\&G and Versace. I would have canceled everything and been there for you./"

/"I didn't want you to do that. You worked hard to get those deals./" I say gently.

/"Evelyn, some dickhead assaulted you and you expected me to focus on my career. When you know that I wouldn't be here in the first place if it weren't for you./"

Standing up I rush to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of water. The steam coming out of the pots draws my attention and I look inside. In one pot there's fried rice, and in the other chicken sauce is cooking.

Michael is making fried chili chicken. The dish he knows I love because mom used to make it.

I turn the stove off as the food looks cooked.