Chapter 127

#Chapter 127


As I walk down the hallway, a hand catches mine and pulls me into a room. Before I know the door shuts close and I'm trapped in a dark room.

The light switch turns on and I find Warren in a charcoal suit that fits him perfectly.

/"Hey./" He whispers and seals my greeting with a kiss. Our lips move and I can't help but fall into him as I deepen the kiss. His hands hold me and press me closer to him. Our body heat morphs into a bubble that surrounds us.

/"Hi./" I murmur against his lips and dive in for another kiss.

Warren wraps me in his arms and pulls my body toward him. Our chests touch and my hands rest over the back of his neck.

/"You're late./" I whisper, as I try to catch my breath.

/"I had a meeting./" Nuzzling his face into my neck he peppers the area with warm kisses that coil heat in the pit of my stomach.