Chapter 133

#Chapter 133


Turning her head towards me she lets out a laugh that evokes thousands of butterflies in my stomach, all flying up to my heart and filling the cage.

/"I love it./" After a beat she speaks up again. /"You're smart./" Her playful tone slips through the brimming tension between us.

/"That's an understatement./" Drawing her closer to me I dip my head and steal a quick kiss. /"Because I'm a fucking genius./"

/"Arrogance and IQ test results are two very different things./"

Snickering at her reply I take her to the first painting by a famous Portuguese artist. It's an abstract art that's a blend of color and lines that draw up nothing in my mind. Even though I'm an artist myself.

Evelyn drags me to every single painting in the room and makes me stand and stare at it for five minutes.

While she absorbs the art, I memorize her tell-tales.