Chapter 136

#Chapter 136


We fucked.

Without any doubt, it was the best sex of my life. No man has ever penetrated me like that. So raw and primal that I can still feel him inside of me.

I pee and then wash my hands.

In the mirror I see my disheveled appearance. Hair messy and tousy from the way his fingers held me, lips swollen and red from being sucked and kissed and collarbone and neck marked with hickeys. I'm the walking definition of someone who's been thoroughly fucked.

I knew Warren likes it rough but I had no idea that he would be this feral. I can barely recall him being soft and gentle with me. However, I felt safe with him and I knew he wouldn't hurt me in any way or push me so far that I wouldn't be able to take it.

Like a magician he knew all the right places to make me come and go weak.

My body is still imagining his touch and the way he kissed me.