Chapter 140

#Chapter 140


My heart is breaking inside my chest. But not because of the news but because of what Evelyn must feel. The woman has loved children since she was a teenager. From stopping between our meals to greet a baby to holding one even if they'd be crying.

I've always known Evelyn would be a great mother. I've seen her maternal instincts since we were seventeen.

My eyes glue to her tears that keep falling. She brushes each of them away but a new wave follows through.

/"I can't be a mother./"

Approaching her slowly I take her by her waist and press her into my chest. Holding the back of her head I press a kiss to her head. /"I need you to stop crying. I can't handle your tears./"

Sniffling in my embrace she cleans her face and peek up at me. /"I'm fine./"

/"I know./" I look into her fresh blue eyes. /"We'll see when the time comes. When you're ready to do that with me./"