Chapter 151

#Chapter 151


Sitting in the boardroom I flip through the notes for my speech. I don't have a lot to say but I have a few things I want to touch upon before the holidays.

It's the last day of work today. And everyone will go home after this meeting.

All the important members are seated as everyone waits for Rowan.

Just as the clock hits ten AM Rowan walks in and takes the seat at the head of the table.

/"You may begin./" He says to Janice who starts the presentation she and I worked on for the past week.

As she rambles on I catch a few glances at Rowan to track his thoughts but he's a blank book. Like a laser his eyes study Janice and the slides in grave concentration.

When Janice finishes we review the blueprints that need a final say from him. But before that I have to give my thoughts as the CEO of the company that will bring this vision to life.