Chapter 44: Two In One Night! Chaos Begins...

The beast lord began to transform his body, becoming more grotesque and beastlike. His body was like a gryphon, and his face was like a hawk, a mixture of several birds that disgusted Raven.

However, Raven remained calm as he stretched out his hand, mor'vaal appearing with a flash, as his body lowered, now with silver scales covering his legs, once again using the dragon scales of Zeon to protect his mobility, this time even his feet were normal but covered in a thick white scale forming pseudo sabatons and greaves of dragon scales.

His thick hide and upper scales looked as if he wore blue armour, with his arms being protected by large gauntlets made of thick, dark blue manticore scales; Raven used Zeon's dragon scales to protect his mobility while using the manticore scales to cover his vital parts, arms, and shoulders.


The Beast Lord roared furiously as he charged forward; Raven remained unmoved, watching him charge forward crazily.