Chapter 2 - First Magic

Third person pov

3 years later, during a cloudy day, Robert was at the living room laying on a sofa while his older sister, Blaise, is cooking lunch at the kitchen. Then, out of curiosity about the heavy clouds outside, Robert climbed down on the floor and made his first steps walking, and eventually went outside to the backyard via an open door.

Luckily, the clouds didn't bring any rain yet so he wasn't soaked in rain.

Then, he raised my hands while being happy in the air and unknowingly summoned lightning from the clouds and to his hands. What he didn't know at the time is that he had unlocked a Tier-4 Electric Magic.

And then, Blaise came to the living room with a plate of food, only to see that Robert was gone. This causes her to almost drop the plate, and she heard the thunder. Panicking and assuming that Robert might be outside, she rushed outside to the backyard, only to see him "summoning" lightning from the clouds.

"Oh, no, it can't be!" she said in concern.

Once the lightning was gone, she ran towards Robert, carried him in her arms, and went back inside, closing the door fast.

Back at the living room, Blaise was feeding Robert some cooked, simple food using a spoon while saying, "Say, ah."

Robert then opened his mouth, and Blaise cautiously shoved the food in his mouth, before the pulling the spoon out. She then wiped the food off from Robert's mouth using a hand towel. She repeated this a few times until Robert was well-fed. At that time, she said to Robert, "Don't you ever go outside when it was stormy, okay?"

"O-kay," Robert said his first word.

Surprised by her younger brother's first word, Blaise lifted him up in the air and said with happiness, "Wow, you had said your first word!"

She then put him down gently and carefully on the sofa, before grabbing the dirty plate and spoon and went back to the kitchen to wash them.

At the same amount of time, ever since Robert and Blaise's parents died, their relatives had been giving Blaise money to pay for their living expenses because they treated her and Robert as a part of the family. But Robert didn't know that yet, but he did unlock a Tier-4 Electric Magic, his first magic ability.