Chapter 5 - 6 Years Later

Robert's pov

Then, 6 years later, that day has come.

"Robert-kun, you're gonna be late for the entrance exam!" Blaise shouted from downstairs.

"I know, I know!" I responded back as I fixed my hair to make sure that it wasn't looking embarrassing. "I'll be there!"

I then readjusted the bangs of my hair and went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast before going out to take the entrance exam, which was essentially a battle with a student coordinator. Also, I was wearing a set of clothes that is neither casual nor formal, just the right balance.

At the dining room, I greeted Blaise, "Good morning, big sister."

"Good morning, Robert-kun," Blaise greeted me back while cooking.

I then sat down and waited for my breakfast.

Moments later, Blaise lifted the pan from the clay stove and transferred the hot food into a white ceramic plate, before putting out the fire with some sand and serving the food to me.

"Here you go," she said to me, "potato and tomato omelet."

Delighted by it, I grabbed my spoon and fork and do a prayer gesture. "Thanks for the food."

I then took a spoonful of the hot food and eat it, tasting its flavor.

  "It's so delicious as usual, big sister," I commented.

  "Would you like a cup of coffee?" Blaise asked him nicely.

  "Sure, with some sugar," I responded back to her.

With that, Blaise began making a cup of coffee with sugar for me as I kept on eating.

Moments later, Blaise gave me that cup of coffee and place it next to my plate.

I then grabbed it and took a sip of it, tasting its bittersweet flavor.

  "Thanks," I said to her.

Sitting down, Blaise smiled. "You're welcome."

She then grabbed her spoon and fork and eat up.

  "So, are you ready for the entrance exam?" she asked me.

  "Oh, um, I think yes," I answered back while looking at her. "I'll use what I had learned from you."

  "Okay, just do your best," Blaise replied back.

  "Thanks, big sis."

  Shortly thereafter, I finished eating my light, but delicious breakfast, worn my brown leather shoes, and left the house while saying goodbye to Blaise. Later, as I walk, I thought to myself, "What kind of entrance exam might be? I know it will be a fight, but how hard can it be?"

I then smiled and continued thinking, "Well, let's just see."

Not long after, I arrived at that place, Peacewood Magic Academy, just before the entrance exams begin.

  "Wow, this colosseum is so beautiful," I commented in amazement.

At that time, I didn't bring a bag with me because I would only take the entrance exam and, that's about it. Then, someone bumped into me.

  "Sorry!" I apologized almost immediately to that person. But, that person turns out to be a girl with scarlet red, long hair and brown eyes.

  "Watch it, peasant," she rudely replied, before entering in to sign up for the entrance exams.

  "Man, how dare she would use that word on me," I seriously thought.

But, nevertheless, I entered in and signed up for the entrance exams at the registration tables.