Chapter 37 – A Flyer

Third person POV

The rest in the meeting room was shocked to hear Nate's statement of an assumption from Robert.

"What do you mean it was both a smuggling operation and an act of vengeance by Vanworth?" one of the Demonheart members commented.

"Well, from what I had read," Nate responded back, "the government of Vanworth might have been involved in smuggling operations."

"It's just my thought, everyone," Robert added, "so it may or may not be true or reliable."

"I see," Caz replied back. "That might be possible. I'll do a screen check to all the members of my clan."

"Right," William responded in obedience.

"I'll call all the Demonheart members who worked at the headquarters then," Nate added.

Then, another thought came to Robert, and he stand up and said to everyone, "I'll tell my grandpa to do a screen check to all the members of my clan as well."

This surprises everyone in the meeting room.

"Woah, what?" Peter commented. "Why?"

"I had a thought of someone within my clan being a traitor," Robert replied back a bit seriously, "so they might need a screen check just in case."

"Well, that would be a security measure," William responded.

"What's wrong with your mind, Robert-kun?" Emma asked in annoyance.

"Sorry, Emma-chan, my mind seems to have random thoughts," Robert apologized in response.

"You're weird."

"Come on, sis," Peter responded to this, "he was just making sure that there are no traitors in his clan."

Emma then sighed in annoyance.

After that, Caz and Nate declared that the meeting is over, and they all stand up, grabbed their belongings, and left the meeting room.

Not long after, in front of the front gate of the Demonheart estate, Nate, Tag, and Augustine said thank you to Robert for that possible lead.

"Yeah, that was just an assumption though," Robert responded back. "Like I said last time, that may or may not be true and reliable."

"I see," Tag responded. "We will have a screen check this afternoon after our clan members' work shifts are over."

"Okay, when it will end?"

"Usually at 5 in the afternoon," Augustine explained in response, "but we seldomly had overtime work."

To that Robert thought, "Wow, what an early time off from work."

Then, he said to them, "I see. That's nice. Well, I gotta go now. I'll have lunch at my clan's estate. I'll be back after our screen check."

"Okay, bye," William responded back.

With that, Robert turned to his right and left the estate as the Demonhearts wavered goodbye to him.

Along the way, he started to doubt about his proposal, thinking that it was a bad idea, but his serious side argued that it was a security measure against traitors. Then, suddenly, he saw a paper flyer laying on the sidewalk and picks it up. It was a flyer for an upcoming auction event that will be held at Keystone's Trade Exchange.

"An auction event?" he said to himself upon reading the flyer's contents. "This end of the week?"

He then became suspicious and thought to himself, "My father's sword might be one of the items that will be auctioned. I better show this to Nate-san and Aug-san."

He then sprinted towards his clan's estate as fast as he can.