Chapter 39 - Screen Check

Third person POV

Later, at 5 in the afternoon, Colt and another Lightningheart member logged out at work before going home. Along the way, they meet up with the other members, who also had the same log out time. And as they walk together, Colt said to them, "Hey, guys, have you heard? We're gonna have a screen check at home."

This surprises his fellow members slightly.

"A screen check?" one of them, a city guard named Salvador Lightningheart, asked.

"What's that?" Salvador's sister, a teacher named Ylona Lightningheart, added.

"It's a security measure that makes sure that there are no traitors in a group," Colt explained. "The Demonheart clan do that rarely."

"Oh, okay then," Salvador responded back. "We never did that before."

"Yeah, the reason why is that Robert-kun is suspicious that there might be a traitor in our clan," Colt replied back.

"Okay, that was a valid reason to do that," Ylona responded. "But why? Something bad happened back at home?"

"Well, James-kun's sword was stolen," Colt revealed the reason behind it.

This shocks them a lot.

"What? James' sword?"

"But why?"

"Yeah, we never made any enemies, right?'

"I know, but according to Robert-kun," Colt explained in response, "vengeance by the Kingdom of Vanworth might be the motive behind it."

"Oh, that might be possible," Salvador partially agreed with him.

Since they're too busy talking, they didn't know they had arrived at the front gate of the Lightningheart estate. Luckily they noticed it right away and they just opened the doors and entered in, before closing the door.

Inside the estate, they saw that the entire clan, are gathering at the courtyard, with Aaron and Robert standing on an elevated stage. They then stand next to their fellow members and looked at their clan head.

"This late afternoon, I will have your rooms and houses checked," Aaron said to them, "just in case if there are some suspicious items or anything that might have some kind of connection with the recent break-in into our property. So please, remain being here until the checking is over. You may sit down if you want to."

At the same time, the servants are checking every room and house of every Lightningheart member, including every nook and cranny, for any suspicious item or anything that might have a connection with James' missing sword. The servants are checking diligently and carefully.

Meanwhile, the same thing was happening at the Demonheart estate. Matthew II, despite the overwhelmingly large paperwork at his office, had to be come home just for the screen check because his palace was being checked by the city guards. Shortly after becoming Saverfort's Ruler, he and his wife and son had moved to the palace so he could do his work without the hassle of transportation. So, this late afternoon, he, his wife, and William are now standing at the courtyard of the Demonheart estate while being under the watchful eye of their clan head Caz.

"I'm not sure about this," Matthew II commented.

"Come on, honey, we can pass this," his wife, Adelina Demonheart, reassured to him. "We rarely do this."

To that Matthew II turned to his son William. "William-kun, are you sure about this?"

"Dad, come on," William persuaded back, "we just making sure that none of our clan members are a traitor."

"Okay then, son. Whatever Caz-sama says so."

Derek was positive at this screen check, hiding his true feelings at this security measure. In reality, he was anxious and scared by it. But luckily for him, the servants didn't find James' sword at his room in one of the houses so he managed to pass the security measure without any problem because he had hid it under the floorboards, and it was fitted right so the servants would not feel it.

Then, after half an hour of checking and searching, the household staff returned to Caz and reported to him that they found no suspicious things in the members' rooms and houses.

"Are you sure about that?" Caz asked back.

"We looked at every nook and cranny of every room and house," one of the servants responded back, "and we found nothing suspicious."

"Okay," Caz replied back. "Good."

Then, a city guard came to the estate and reported to Caz, "Caz-san, we found nothing suspicious at the palace."

"Are you sure about that?" Caz asked in doubt.

"We looked at every nook and cranny," the city guard responded back, "and we found nothing suspicious."

"Okay then," Caz replied back. "Good." Then to all the Demonheart members, "Everyone, they found nothing suspicious in your rooms and homes. All of you may return now."

To that his clan members, including Derek, sighed in relief and returned to their homes, with Matthew II, Adelina, William, Emma, and Peter hopping in their horse carriage and went back to their palace.

Meanwhile, at the same time, back at the Lightningheart estate, the servants returned to the courtyard and reported to Aaron that they found nothing suspicious in the members' rooms and homes.

"Alright, are you sure about that?" Aaron asked in response. "Did you look at every nook and cranny?"

One of the servants then nodded. "Yes, we did."

"Okay," Aaron responded. Then to all the Lightningheart members, "Alright, everyone, everything had been checked. Nothing suspicious had been found. All of you may return to your homes now."

To that the Lightningheart members, including Robert, sighed in relief and they returned to their homes. But before Robert would return to the main house, Aaron said to him, "Thank you for everything, Robert."

"Yeah, you're welcome, grandpa," Robert positively replied back. "I'm glad to help."

He then turned around and went into the main house, before Aaron would return inside of the main house.

But, Derek had managed to pass the screen check as if he didn't stole anything.