Chapter 41 – A Play and a Lunch

Robert's POV

To the price I was like, "Woah, that was pricey."

"Yes, but I offered you a discounted price of 95 gold coins since you're the son of James Lightningheart," Ronaldo responded. "How's that sound?"

Thinking about this seriously, I eventually replied, "Sure, I'll take it."

To that Colt smiled in positive happiness, before getting his wallet from his pocket, get a lot of gold coins, and poured them onto the counter.

"We'll take it then," he said to Selena.

In response to that, Selena took the money and started counting them in stacks of 10, before saying to Colt, "Thanks, no change at all."

She then grabbed a medium-sized brown paper bag, grabbed the pair of leather boots to put them inside, and gave it to Colt, saying, "Come again."

Receiving the paper bag, Colt responded, "Thanks, Selena-chan." Then to me, "Come on, let's go."

I then positively nodded. "Okay!"

And so, me, Blaise, and Colt then left the shop while Selena and Ronaldo wavered goodbye to us.

Not long after, while walking down the street, I leaned towards Colt. "Thank you so much, Colt-san."

"You're welcome, Robert-kun," Colt replied back with a smile, "I'm glad to give you something."

"You're so generous, Colt-kun," Blaise commented to Colt.

"Thanks, Blaise-chan."

"So, uh, where are we going now?" I asked.

"Well…," Colt responded back while thinking, "…how about the theater? I heard they had great plays for this winter month."

"Oh, sure, why not," I replied back with enthusiasm. "Let's go then!"

Later, at a theater across the street from the main plaza, we watched a historical play, with the actors and actresses doing their performance on the stage. The play is all about the war between Saverfort and, shockingly, Vanworth. Two people are dressing up as soldiers of Saverfort, and their wigs and costumes resembled my dead parents. Through that play, I saw the entire outlook and background of the war. And at the part when those two acting people got "stabbed" by the "soldiers" of Vanworth, I thought, "Woah, so that's how they died. They got stabbed by the soldiers of Vanworth."

And then, Blaise commented, "Okay, that's how mom and dad died?"

"Yes," Colt answered back, "and they were buried at the Heroes' Cemetery in your hometown of Peacewood."

To that I turned towards Colt and asked, "They were buried at our hometown?"

Colt then looked at me, and answered, "Yes, did you ever visit that place?"

"No, I didn't know that," I replied back honestly.

"I see. Well, make sure you see their graves when you and your sister got back home."

"Okay, we will."

Later after play, we all left the theater, and looked at the sun.

"Woah, it's now noon," Colt said to us. He then looked at us. "Want to eat lunch?"

"Sure," I readily answered back.

And so, we all went to a tavern-like restaurant to eat lunch. As we entered the building, we saw that it was a busy one, with waiters and waitresses rushing to give their customers their orders and chefs and cooks trying to cook their customers' orders as fast as they can.

"This is it, guys," Colt said to us, "this is the best restaurant in the whole of Keystone."

"You think so, Colt-kun?" Blaise asked with doubt.

"This place offers the best foods you can find elsewhere," Colt replied back.

We then all find a table for four, and after a short moment, we found one next to the wall, and settled there. Colt and Blaise then grabbed the parchment menus laying on the table and started choosing what food we will eat. I, on the other hand, looked at the dessert and drinks options in the back of one of the menus. I then began thinking about the available options, comparing the dishes available in my head.

"So, what would you like to eat, Robert-kun?" Blaise asked me. "I'll take a slice of Roasted Boar Pecan Pie."

"I'll take a plate of Chicken Curry with Rice," Colt added. Then to me, "How about yours, Robert-kun?"

I then think about it for a while.

"I recommend a Ham and Cheese Sandwich with Lettuce and Tomatoes," Colt gave me a recommendation.

"Oh sure," I readily answered back. "That sounds delicious. I also want a glass of lemonade with sugar."

"Okay, me too as well," Colt positively replied back. Then to Blaise, "How about yours, Blaise-chan?"

"I'll go for a glass of strawberry juice," Blaise responded back.

"Okay then."

Then a waitress came to our table and greeted nicely, "Welcome to Key Food and Drinks. How can I take your order?"

We then showed her the menus while pointing at the parts we want to order and including the quantity as well.

Jotting our orders in a notepad, the waitress asked, "Anything else?"

"Oh, we would like a bowl of shaved ice with blueberry syrup for dessert as well," Colt added another order as well.

"Okay, please wait for half an hour," the waitress said to us, before hurriedly leaving our table.

Half an hour later, our hefty order came, and the waitress arranged them in the right spots, before she said to us, "Enjoy."

She then left the table.