Chapter 49 – A Diplomatic Request

Robert's POV

  A few days had passed, and everything seems to be normal at first, until one day, a messenger to the Ruler came to our estate, only to inform me that I was being summoned by the Ruler for a request.

To that I was puzzled, thinking, "Huh? For what?"

But, I had to respond to this by actually going to the palace to answer the call. So, I dressed in my casual clothes, worn my new pair of boots, grabbed my leather bag, and come with the messenger to the palace via horse carriage.

But then, once I had arrived at the palace, I was shocked to hear what Matthew II had requested me to do. And that request was…

"WHAT? You want me to be a temporary emissary to the Kingdom of Vanworth?" I asked in extreme shock.

William, Emma, and Peter are there as well.

"Well, I wanted a peace treaty with King Tertullian," Matthew II explained in response. "This is gonna be the 5th time."

The last part caused me to calm down partially. "Oh, it failed 4 times in a row?"

Matthew II then nodded. "Yes, and I want you to negotiate with him and his son Arnold and to secure a peace treaty."

"But, why me?" I responded back.

"Oh, you will not go alone." Matthew II glanced at my friends. "William, Emma, and Peter will be with you. Colt and Masanori will be your escorts as well."

"Oh, that's fair."

Then, William spoke, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Robert-kun, but our current emissaries got sick of a fever, so we had to improvise."

"Us? We're just students!" I responded back.

"Don't worry, I'll give you the instructions you will need in this peace negotiation," Matthew II reassured in response. He then gave me 3 papers containing instructions on what to say to the king of Vanworth.

"Make sure you memorize all of them along the way," Matthew II said to me. "Otherwise, the king will be suspicious of you."

Reading the instructions fast, I replied back, "I'm not sure about this, your Majesty."

"It's okay, you can say the main points of the peace negotiation in your own words too," Matthew II responded.

"Oh, thanks."

I then carefully folded the papers and shoved them into my leather bag. "Okay, when we will leave?"

"By tomorrow morning," Matthew II answered back. "The journey there will be 2 days long. So do what you want to do today, okay?"

I then nodded. "Yes, don't worry, your Majesty, we'll do our best."

"Thank you," Matthew II replied back. "Please tell this to Colt and Masanori."

"I will."

"Okay, all of you may go now."

With that, me, William, Emma, and Peter left the office.

Now walking down the wide hallway, I commented, "I can't believe we had to do this, and we only have until tomorrow."

"I know," William responded, "but it's sudden, so we have to improvise."

But, I am not the type to complain so I didn't do that.

"Why it had to be like this?" Emma let out a complaint while sighing a bit. "We're kinda inexperienced on politics and diplomacy."

"It's okay, Emma-chan," Peter reassured to Emma. "He gave us instructions on how to do it."

"It's easy for you to say," Emma retorted back.

And while they are having a little argument, I thought to myself, "But, it's gonna be an opportunity to meet the Earthheart clan."

Then, I eventually agreed to that thought and made a promise to it.

After that, I looked at William and the others. "Hey, guys, do you have something to do today?"

"Well, we have nothing to do today," William answered back.

"Okay, so, wanna go to my place instead?" I asked back.

"Sure, sure," William replied back.

"Yeah, whatever, I want to be out of this place for a while," Emma added.

"Okay!" Peter added.

And so, we all went to the Lightningheart estate to spend some time together as we still have the entire day for ourselves to enjoy.