Chapter 51 – A New Cloak

Robert's POV

  Later, after I found out that Colt had a day off from work, I decided to go to his house so I could give word to him about the diplomatic mission. Not long after, at his house, I knocked on the front door twice.

"Hello? Colt-san?" I responded, checking if there's anyone inside.

Then, someone answered it by opening the door. It was Colt himself.

"Oh, hey, Robert-kun," Colt greeted positively. "What's up?"

"I was given a temporary job by the Ruler this winter break," I responded back, "and that temporary job is being an emissary to Vanworth."

This surprises Colt a lot. "You? As a temporary emissary? Why? What happened to our kingdom's emissaries?"

"They got sick," I answered back, "so the Ruler had to improvise, and you will be assigned as my escort. The journey will be two days long."

"I see," Colt replied back. "Sure, if it was the Ruler's orders."

"Thank you so much," I responded back with a deep bow for a few seconds.

"You're welcome," Colt replied back.

But then, he looked at my clothes, and he said to me, "But, I think you need to be a bit more formal."

"Okay, in what way?" I asked back.

"I think you'll need a new cloak. You have any cloaks at home?"

"A few of them, mostly from dad's."

"Are they worn out?"

"Mostly, but big sis usually fixed them up by sewing."

"Okay, you definitely needed a new one."

"Eh? Is that even necessary?"

"Since you will be a temporary emissary to another kingdom, you will represent your clan to them, so a cloak that bears our clan emblem will do the trick."

"Oh, that'll be cool."

"Yes, and you will be a representative of our clan if you go abroad on missions."

"You're right. Let's get a new cloak."

"Okay, I know just the right place."

Shortly thereafter, I told this to my friends, and they agreed with me, saying that they will wait for me until I come back. With that, I went out with Colt, who was more like a father figure to me, to shop for a custom-made cloak. Later, we arrived at that place, called Hayden's Cloaks and Hoods, and we entered in, causing the bell above the door to ring. This catches the attention of the cashier, who then greeted, "Hello, welcome to Hayden's Cloaks and Hoods. What we can do for you today?"

"Hi there," Colt greeted back positively. "We're here for a custom-made cloak for my friend here."

"I see. Come right here."

She then lead us to the fitting room, where an old man is taking measurements on another person, perhaps for a custom-made cloak, too.

"Sir, we have another customer," she said to him.

"Just a minute," the old man responded while taking the last measurements, before jotting the numbers down on a notepad. "There we go."

He then looked at us, and greeted, "Oh why hello there, welcome to our shop. Are you here for a new cloak?"

"Yes, sir," I answered back, "one for me."

"I see. Now sit on this chair. I'll take your measurements."

I did so, sitting on another chair, and the old man began taking my measurements of my upper body with a measuring tape. I was patient though, not even complaining. But, I began thinking what my headmaster would say about this temporary job, doubting that he never approve of it.

But, those thoughts flew away when the old man is done taking my measurements, and he asked me for any designs on my new cloak.

"Oh, the emblem of the Lightningheart clan," I answered back.

This shocks the old man, and he asked, "The Lightningheart clan? Are you a…?"

"Yes, he's a part of our clan," Colt stepped in. "This is Robert Lightningheart, the son of James Lightningheart."

In response to that, the old man took a thorough look on my face and hair. "Hmm, you looked like James after all."

"Y-Yes, I am," I stammered in response.

After that, he smiled and responded, "That's great. I'll give you a special discount for your first cloak."

I was shocked in the inside, thinking, "Is he serious?!"

"Umm, do you know about my father?" I raised a question.

"Mmm, yes," the old man replied back while kept on smiling, "he used to come here to buy our cloaks. I heard he used to own 5 of them in total."

"What? Really?" I asked back.

"Well, yeah, but two of them got torn apart during his adventures unfortunately," Colt responded to this.

"I see," I replied back. Then to the old man, "Okay, sir, I accepted the discount for my first cloak. What is the price then?"

Lifting his finger for a couple of seconds, the old man replied, "That'll be 30 gold coins. The original price tag is 50 gold coins."

"Wow, that was a somewhat decent price," I commented.

"Yes, I'll work on your new cloak then," the old responded. "Please come back by 3 in the afternoon, okay?"

Colt then nodded. "Okay, sir, we will." Then to me, "Come on, Robert-kun, let's go home."

"Okay!" I responded.

And so, I stand up and me and Colt left the shop as the old man and the cashier wavered goodbye to us.

On the way back to the estate, I asked a question to Colt, "Hey, Colt-san, are we gonna pay for it later?"

"Yes, once it was done," Colt answered back.

"Oh, okay."