Chapter 114 – A Possible Coup

Third person POV

By 11 in the morning, Robert and his group had arrived at the palace and asked one of the passing attendants where is the king's office.

"That'll be at the second floor," the attendant responded.

"Thanks," Sol replied, before he and the others continued on sprinting to the second floor via the stairs.

Not long after, they had arrived at the door of the king's office, and Sol knocks on the door twice, causing Alexander to say, "Come in."

The door was opened by an attendant, and they all went in.

Upon noticing them, Alexander, while writing some important document on a sheet of paper, said to them, "What do you need?"

"Your Highness," Robert answered back, "some secretive group is planning a coup against you."

Hearing this, he interrupted his work and looked at them with shock on his face, causing the quill pen to drop on the desk with some ink in it.

"What? Is that for real?" he asked.

"Apparently, some people living under the Old Palace is discussing about staging a coup against you," Sol responded back while gesturing in explanation.

"And who that may be?" Alexander replied.

Robert then answered back, "I think that would be the one with a strange emblem."

"What strange emblem?"

Robert then gave out a description of it in accordance to his memory.

Moments later, Alexander turned cold, and it turns out that he already knew about the Old Faction himself.

"You mean, the Old Faction?" he responded.

"T-The Old Faction?" Jeremiah asked back.

"That's a small, secretive group that claims to be the original founders of this nation," Alexander explained in response as he puts aside the unfinished document. "They hated free trade and some reforms. They wanted to restore this country to what they considered as original."

"So that means that the Saheda they consider is restrictive in trade?" Blaise raised a question.

"Not really though," Alexander responded. "This country is not that restrictive back in the day, so they interpretation is partially wrong."

"Wow, how wrong they!" William remarked.

"They're so delusional," Emma added.

"Yes, and if your statement of a possible coup is true," Alexander replied, "then we need to be prepared for that."

He then turned to one of his attendants and said to him, "Call in the Senior Royal Guards."

"Yes, sir," the attendant responded in obedience, before he hurriedly left the office to fetch one of the Senior Royal Guards.

After that, Alexander looked at Robert and the others and said, "Thanks for advance note. I'll call you for the meeting later."

"Thanks, sir," Robert responded with a slight bow for a few seconds.

He then said to the others, "Guys, let's go."

And so, he and his group left the office, and the same attendant who opened the door for them earlier shut the door in a slow pace.

Later, Robert and his group went up to the main house of the Windheart clan to inform Dan about a possible coup. Moments later, Dan was surprised to hear that from them, and he asked, "By who?"

"I think it was the Old Faction, grandpa," Blaise responded back.

"I see, that secretive group?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, and me and Harold-kun just eavesdropped their conversation," Robert replied back.

"Okay, when?"

Robert then shrugged. "I don't know. They didn't mention when."

"I see then," Dan responded. "We'll be in high alert. Does the king mention of a meeting?"

"I think so, Dan-san," William replied. "He said he would call us if there is a meeting."

"Okay then, I'll be attending," Dan responded.

"Okay, grandpa, whatever you say," Robert replied without any objections. "Thank you so much."

Before Robert and his group would leave the main house, Dan said to them, "Are you all hungry? It's almost lunch time. My wife is making Grounded Pork Stew and Roasted Potatoes."

Upon hearing that, Robert and the others turned around.

Smiling at them, Dan repeated, "Are you all hungry?"

To that Robert became positive, knowing that he is hungry after a few hours of going around the capital.

Not long after, Robert and his group are now eating lunch with Dan and his family.

"Man, the Roasted Potatoes are so delicious," Robert commented.

"I'll definitely cook this dish once we get home," Blaise added.

"Thanks for the meal, Ms. Windheart," Peter said to Fiona.

"You're welcome, dear, eat as much as you want," Fiona humbly replied back.