Chapter 116 – A Counter Defense

Third person POV

After that, they all sat down and began their important meeting. Those who didn't have a chair to sit on are being given one by the same palace guard. This meeting is all about how to defend the palace complex from the attacks by the Old Faction.

"So, Luke, how are we supposed to defend this place?" Alexander began their conversation.

Thinking about the usual, common strategies, Luke answered back, "I think we should do the usual Guard Layer Technique, and scattered it around the palace, plus some reinforcements for the most vulnerable parts."

"Yes, that'll be easier for us to coordinate," the second Senior Royal Guard.

"Me too," agreed the third one.

"I know!" Robert responded with an idea in mind. "Me, Jeremiah-kun, and my friends will be the extra aids for the palace guards just in case things go south."

"Okay, are you and your friends skillful enough?" Alexander raised a question.

"Yeah, because we heard that most of the Old Faction members are of elite-class skills, meaning they are stronger than we think," added his wife with concern.

"Don't worry," Robert reassured in response, "me and my friends had been training in our magic for a very long time, so we're skillful enough."

"I'll take them down with my fire magic," William added in confident cool style.

"Me with my Sword Summon," Emma added, too.

"I see then," Alexander responded. "I think I'll allow that."

To that Robert was excited, letting out an enthusiastic, "Yes!"

Moments later, Blaise raised her left hand for a few seconds and responded, "I'll be the medic for the guards, too. I made a lot of healing potions."

But then, Dan, skeptical about Blaise's ability to aid, objected, "I don't think she is fit for the job, Your Highness. She is useless."

Before Blaise would be disheartened by it then, Sol stood up for her and said to Dan in reprimanding, "Hey! I know that she is very skillful. She used to be my student at my magic academy. She even brought Robert with her to school just to take care of him while studying."

This surprises Robert and the rest, and Robert immediately remembered the time Blaise took care of him at the school library of Peacewood Magic Academy while studying when he was 7 years old.

After that, Robert stood up for his older sister. "Yeah! She can do that. Just let her do it, grandpa."

His cousin and friends are very surprised to hear that new fact.

"Woah, she did?" Zarah thought in her mind.

Knowing that he can't object due to both Sol's authority and Robert's well-being, Dan sighed in defeat, and apologized to them and Blaise in response.

"That's alright, just don't be selfish, okay?" Sol replied back.

"Okay then," Dan agreed with him.

"Good," Alexander responded to this. "I'll allow that one, too."

He then went back to the main topic, and began thinking about the flaws of their plan of defense.

He then said to them, "I have a feeling that we had some flaws and pitfalls in our plan. Can you say to me what are the possible pitfalls?"

The rest then think about for a while.

While thinking, Robert suddenly remembered about Emi being more of an assassin-type due to her skills in dodging Sol's attacks.

After that, he said to Alexander, "Um, Your Highness, I saw that one of the Old Faction members is an assassin because of his dodging skills, so she is one of our pitfalls."

At that time, he didn't know Emi's gender due to the cloak she was wearing.

"Is that so, Mr. Lightningheart?" Alexander responded back.

Robert then nodded. "Yes, I'm sure of it."

To that the rest think once more, this time, on how to handle Emi and her dodging skills.

"This gonna be hard," Luke commented.

A few moments later, Sol got an idea, and he responded, "Everyone, I have an idea. I'll handle her, myself."

He knows Emi's gender because of his telepathic ability.

Since all of them knew that Sol is one of the most skillful people in the world, they didn't object and agreed with his strategy.

After that, all of them concluded their first draft of their plan of defense that they will all work together to counteract the Old Faction, and Alexander revealed that he had sent out some spies to monitor the Old Faction's activities and movements, adding, "Let's have another meeting tomorrow for more updates."

The rest then accepted his strategy and agreed with another meeting for tomorrow.

After all that, Alexander dismissed the meeting, and they all stand up, grabbed their few belongings, and left the meeting room, remembering what they will do.

Along the way back to their guesthouse, Sol revealed to Robert that Emi is a female, and she is in love with him.

This shocks Robert a lot. "What? She's in love with me? And she's actually a girl?!"

"Yes, I can tell because I used telepathy on her," Sol responded back.

"Woah, you can do that?"

"Yeah, I can do that."

After Sol's response, Robert sighed in despair, thinking, "How many girls would fall in love with me? Living in this world is so difficult."