Chapter 118 – Luke’s POV

Luke's POV 

Wow, Robert is a very awesome person.

I thought these words as I stand up and went to one of the sleeping quarters to rest up a bit and eat dinner.

Not long after, at my room, as I eat a breast part of Roasted Chicken with herb stuffing and hot rice and corn porridge for dinner, I started to think about my older brother, Sevan, who was currently a soldier of Vanworth.

Unlike me, he attended Vanworth's prestigious magic academy known as Challies National Magic Academy for 4 years, before becoming a soldier at the age of 22.

I don't know why he did that, but he said that he simply wants to do so.

At the time of his first year at that academy, Vanworth is prosperous, but nowadays, Sevan is now at the mercy of the current king and head commander, and I heard that his life will be in danger if he disobeyed a single order from them.

"I hoped he is fine and doing fine," I thought while chewing on my food while staring at the window.

After dinner, I went to the sleeping quarters' own private bathhouse to take a short bath because I had a night shift that will last until midnight. And in that bathhouse made of sandstone and bricks, as I sat on the pool full of hot, steaming water, I reclined against the smoothened sandstone wall and thought to myself, "I don't know what career Robert-kun will take once he graduated. But, I'll support his career then because, he is my former headmaster's most prestigious student. I was right: Being a top student isn't by mere scores or noble blood, but by skills."

Later at 8, after that warm bath for the night, I changed in my Senior Royal Guard's uniform at one of the changing rooms and went out to do my nightly patrol as part of my night shift.

"I hoped everything will be fine," I thought to myself, "as long as I am here."