Chapter 134 - After the Coup and the Queen of the Lighthearts

Third person POV

By noon, the Old Faction members were sent to prison for staging a coup, while the soldiers and palace guards, including Luke, who was injured while fighting, are resting to recover their strength and mana. Meanwhile, at the king's office, Alexander and his family said thank you to Robert, Sol, and the others for saving his dynasty from going extinct with gratitude, and on the Windheart clan's behalf.

"Yeah, you're welcome, Your Highness," Robert responded back positively with respect.

"We're happy to help," Emma added happily.

"We're just doing our part, that's all," Sol added.

As promised, Alexander gave nothing but a thank you to them as a reward, and, to finalize it, he declared Emi's pardon from her crimes as granted without going to court.

Emi was more than happy to hear that, and she bowed her head deeply with gratitude, and said, "Thank you so much, Your Highness. I will go back to Kita to make amends with my clan once I leave."

Then, Robert came forward. "Oh, we're also heading to Kita, too. Do you want to come with us instead of going all by yourself?"

This offer really causes Zarah and Emma to be quite jealous of her, thinking that it was a tactic so Emi would be closer to Robert.

But Sol sees this, and looked at them sternly for thinking that, shunning their jealousy as a result.

After that, Alexander said to them, "Okay, let's have lunch and rest up so we could replenish our mana."

And so, they all have lunch at the grand dining room as a celebration of their victory over the Old Faction and the death of the Grand Founder. Their lunch was more of a feast because of their victory.

After lunch, they all went back to their rooms in their respective homes to rest up so they could replenish their mana. This took a whole day to replenish because of how much mana they consumed in a few hours. In his room, as he and Blaise are laying on their beds in resting, Robert thought in his mind, "I'm happy that I took part in a defense mission in a coup. Also, I can't believe I unlocked Lightning Rod, a Tier-7 ability."

He then turned to his left side, and continued thinking, "But, the thing is, what's that feeling of suddenly having more power in my abilities? And, what's that new ability? It's like a combination of lightning and wind magic. But I'm still working on my wind magic. How did I do that, and how can I do that?"

He didn't know that he unlocked Ion Blade for the first time, something that a few people with Lightningheart and Windheart bloodlines can do.

Emi, meanwhile, was at another room in the same floor, resting to restore her mana. She was now in her new set of clothes, discarding her Old Faction cloaked uniform forever. Her weapons are on the table. While looking at the ceiling, Emi thought to herself, "Robert-kun is so young, yet strong in strength. That's why I liked him. But, what my clan would say about my past actions? I think they'll kick me out for bringing shame to their family name."

She then sighed and said to herself, "I guessed the only way to find out is to go there and see it for myself."

Meanwhile, at a kingdom in the mountains southeast of Saheda and south of Vanworth, the 8 Lighthearts landed in front of the palace, where their queen, a young woman with blonde hair, cute face, golden eyes, and a striking figure dressed in a two-layered white toga, was waiting for their return.

"How was it?" she, Nyx Lightheart, asked them with a stern-like attitude.

The 8 Lighthearts kneeled before her, and the Lightheart captain responded, "We're sorry. We failed you."

Upon hearing their disappointing answer, Nyx clenched her teeth, and she asked back, "How?"

"It's just…Sol Spiritheart kicking our ass," the captain replied.

Hearing that name, Nyx became angry and memories of her with Sol came back to her.

Moments after the captain said it, Nyx sent light rays towards the captain, cutting his head off in front of his squad members.

As the captain's head and body fell to the ground, the other 7 Lighthearts trembled in fear because of Nyx's power, swearing their loyalty to her once more before leaving to their barracks in the capital.

Eventually, Nyx finished the captain by burning his body with light magic, incinerating it into ashes.

After that, she looked at the horizon of the capital, and thought, "I will end you, Sol."

But, who was Nyx, and what was her relationship and past with Sol?