Chapter 136 – Going to Kita

Third person POV

The next morning came, and after breakfast, Robert and his party, including Zarah, are now at the front of the main palace with their belongings and horse wagons. The Hal family and the entirety of Windheart clan are there to say goodbye to them. Emi was with Robert and his party so she would go back to Kita.

"Thank you for everything," Robert said to them with a quick bow of gratitude. "We enjoyed our stay here."

"Yes, and thank you for your help," Luke responded back. "We appreciated it."

"You're welcome," Sol said to Luke. "Even you're my former student, I'm still keeping in touch with you."

"That would be my pleasure, Headmaster Sol."

But then, Stephen was a bit sad because Zarah had to go with them to Kita, and, back to Peacewood in Saverfort for her second-year in the magic academy.

"Sis, are you sure you're going with them?" he asked her while being a bit emotional of her departure. "I can come with you, too."

"Come on, big brother," Zarah responded back. "You had school in less than two months and plus, what are you going to do in Peacewood?"

Now, Stephen couldn't answer that question so he just gave up and gave her a good hug. "Okay, good luck out there, sis."

Then, Emma commented, "Really, is he that close to his sister?"

Peter and William are smiling while feeling a bit uneased, before chuckling a bit.

Alexander and Miriam seemed to be happy about it, while Tanaka and Tadashi seemed to be puzzled by it.

After that, Stephen discharged from hugging.

Then, Dan said to Robert and Blaise, "Well, good luck to your lives back home. Robert, do your best in your studies so you could graduate, okay?"

"Okay, grandpa," Robert positively responded.

"I'll do my best to take care of him," Blaise added.

She and Robert then bowed their heads for a few seconds as a final goodbye to Dan and the Windheart clan.

After that, they and their party hopped on their wagons with their belongings as the Hal family, their servants, and the Windheart clan wavered goodbye to them. The drivers whipped the horses normally, causing the horses to go forward and pulling the wagons in a normal speed. Then, some of the palace guards opened the front gates for the two wagons to pass through, before closing it together. By 8:35 a.m., they left the capital via one of the big gates and went through the desert on a road northwest towards Kita, which was located in the mountains and the capital, Taka, is located deep in it.

A few hours had passed, and they had managed to pass through the border gate at a small village called Ishi, which was at Kita's side. After that, they continued on through the village and the pine forests, before climbing a sloped road upwards towards Taka. In those few hours, Robert and his party passed the time by reading books, taking naps, and playing simple games. They heard from the students of Saheda's national magic academy that the trip between Zanid and Taka will take 2-4 days to complete on foot, but Robert, with his curious mind, assumed that it will only take a day or two to complete the trip if it was by horse wagon. All this time, he actually enjoyed his life in that new world.

Later, at 1 in the afternoon, they stopped by off the road at an open plateau to eat a quick lunch. They luckily brought some food and water before leaving the capital of Saheda. And as they eat and drink, they started to discuss what they will do at Taka for a week, with Tanaka and Tadashi leading it.

"There will be a tournament for samurais and those who wield katana and swords in a few days," Tanaka said to them.

"Yeah, you guys wanna watch that?" Tadashi added. "We'll pay for the tickets."

Robert and the others are quite interested by it, and Robert responded, "Wow, that sounds fun. I'll participate."

"Me too," William added.

"Me as well," Harold added, too.

"Me too!" Zarah added as well.

"What? You want to participate in that tournament?" Blaise asked Robert. "You might get hurt."

Robert then looked at his older sister. "It's okay, big sis, I'll be careful."

Eventually, with Sol's persuasion, Blaise agreed with him.

But then, Tanaka thinks that it was a bad idea for them to participate, but Sol said to him, "Just let it be, Tanaka. They wanted to at least try even though they would lose. And also, so they could showcase their skills in melee fighting."

Eventually, Tanaka and Tadashi agreed with the wishes of Robert, William, and Harold.

After some time, at 2 in the afternoon, they packed up and continued their way up through the mountains towards Taka.