Chapter 145 – Kimono and Paper Lanterns

Third person POV

After that, Robert and his group went shopping for some exotic goods in the street markets. Robert and Peter are fond of books so they went to browse for those things. Emma had a thing for ornamental decorations, much to William's annoyance, who knew that she had a collection of them at home. William, however, had basically everything so he decided to skip out. Harold had no idea what to buy at all.

"Woah, a Comprehensive History of Kita?" Robert asked upon picking up a thick, hardcover book at a book stand.

He then looked at the retailer and asked him for the price of the said book.

"That'll be 15 gold coins," the seller answered back.

Then, Peter picked up a thinner, green, leather-bound book about paper, and was amazed by its title in the front.

"A Summarized Guide to Paper?" he asked.

Upon noticing that, William responded, "Seriously? A book about paper?"

"Yeah, I'm curious about paper now, so I'll buy it," Peter replied back.

He then went to the seller to ask him about the price.

"That'll be 20 gold coins, sir," the seller answered back.

Wanting those books, Robert and Peter happily get their wallets to get some coins so they could pay for them.

After that, William turned around, only to see Emma being infatuated by a Japanese-style paper lantern, complete with a wax candle in it, offered by a merchant. The design of it is like of a koi fish due to the colors and pattern.

"I want to buy this!" she commented.

"Really? Another ornament?" William responded to this. "You had a big collection at home, you know."

"I don't care," Emma retorted back. "I just loved these things. I had money."

She then looked at the merchant and asked him about the price.

"That'll be 21 gold coins, ma'am," the merchant replied back positively in service.

As Emma get her wallet to get some money, William felt a bit embarrassed, but he can't do anything about it anyway.

After that, Robert and Peter went to William, and Robert said to him, "Hey, William-kun, I got a history book." William then turned around, and responded, "Wow, that would be helpful for history class in the upcoming school year." Robert then smiled in being complimented by his friend. Once Emma came to them with her purchase, they all went back to the rest of their group.

Upon arriving there, Harold, Emi, and Masanori, alongside Sol, are sitting on a wooden bench waiting for them.

"We're back!" Robert enthusiastically said to them.

Harold and the others saw him and the others, and Masanori responded, "Oh, hey. We're just sitting here waiting for you guys."

Showing his purchase to them, Robert replied, "Guess what? I got a history book on Kita."

Then, Sol commented, "That's good. That book is similar to the ones at the school library. It'll be helpful for your history class."

"Thanks, Headmaster Sol," Robert happily responded back.

At that point, Harold thought, "I wished I could have a book like that."

After that, Emma asked Sol and the others where is Blaise. "Oh, she's browsing for some kimonos," Emi replied back.

"She's now into kimonos now?" Robert asked.

"Not really though," Sol responded briefly.

"She said she wanted to try one of them," Masanori added.

"Isn't that expensive?" Peter asked back.

"No, most kimonos can be purchased for cheap if their materials are common," Masanori explained in response, "but those made of high-quality material, then those are expensive and only the rich can afford them."

Just then, Blaise came to them while waving her hand to them and holding her previous clothes on her left arm. She was wearing a red and pink kimono that she had recently purchased. When they saw her, they were surprised at her new clothes.

"Woah, big sis, is that a kimono?" Robert asked in response.

"Yes, what do you think?" Blaise happily replied back.

And then, Harold commented, "That was...nice."

"Your kimono is so beautiful," William added.

"That really fits you, Blaise-san," Masanori added, too.


After that, Sol asked them if they should go back to the palace estate.

"Yeah, sure," Peter answered back.

"I want to take a bath!" Robert added.

And so, they all left the place and back to the palace estate on foot. But, Sora Kawasaki was looking at them from the distance, thinking about Robert and his friends being worthy opponents to him in the upcoming tournament.