Chapter 163 – Winning is nothing at all

Third person POV

  Sol promised to be at the tournament after that quick emergency meeting. And he did, and he sat next to Blaise. And so, at the plaza arena, fights of Robert's friends and the other participants went on and away, with Emma and Harold winning and William and Peter losing. Despite the death threat to him, Harold managed to shake that off and regained his focus. The shogun and his family, alongside the General Council and their families, are watching the fight, but they are now in high alert of the possible assassination. Meanwhile, a ninja from the Akuma clan was on the roof of the arena observing the fights. But the assassination part is not yet in full swing, and he must wait for his master's orders.

  Then, by 11:44 a.m., Robert and his group went back to the palace estate to eat lunch and rest up a bit, before going back at 2 for Robert's fight. And, in Robert's fight, his opponent came out of the back room, and, unsurprisingly, it was Sora, who had trained all morning for this. He was serious, determining to beat Robert in that fight so he would humiliate him in front of everyone in the arena. 

  "Again, this person," Sol commented. "I saw what he did yesterday, and that's being selfish." 

  "You're right," Blaise seemed to agree with him. 

  And so, the fight had begun, and Sora went up ahead first by charging towards Robert with his katana. It was in a zig-zag motion in an attempt to make Robert dizzy. But Robert remained focused despite that, and just clashed with him using his katana. Both are now struggling to push each other out. 

  "I'll humiliate you, you bug!" Sora shouted at him. 

Robert was pissed off, but he decided to keep his cool. 

Sora then used Powerup to push Robert out. 

But then, Robert pushes back with his mana, and used Lightning Rod on him, electrocuting him moderately. 

After that, Robert pushes in further. 

But Sora, despite being electrocuted, was undeterred so he clashed with him again and uses Powerup to boost up his attack. 

  "You little...!" he yelled as both sides are trying to push each other out. 

  "What's wrong with him?" Robert asked in his mind. "He's really arrogant." 

Then, deciding to make Sora happy, Robert gives way, and Sora pushes him out. 

This causes the audience to gasp at his doing. 

  "No way!" Tanaka commented. 

  "What is he doing?" Mirai asked. 

And then, seeing an opportunity, Sora pointed his katana at the young boy and said, "Give it up." 

Seeing this from the back room, Robert's friends are amazed at his willingness to lose the fight. 

  "Is he doing the same thing as he did on me?" Emma asked. 

  "Yeah, I think so," William agreed with her. 

Then, without any contempt or grudge, Robert smiled at him. "I lost. You win." 

This really surprises Sora a lot, and he put his katana down.

  "Wow, Lightningheart Robert had just willingly lost the fight," the host announced. "Kawasaki Sora wins." 

The audience then cheered for the winner. 

Seeing this, Sora seemed to be stunned at his victory. 

Robert stands up and removes the dust off his clothes, before giving Sora a hand. "Good game?" 

Sora was touched by his non-retaliation, but didn't accept the handshake. 

His plan of revenge and retribution didn't have any effect on Robert at all. 

So, Robert stopped smiling. "Besides, winning is nothing at all." 

Then, pondering Robert's saying, Sora turned around and went back to the back room, before Robert went back to the other back room behind him. 

  In that back room, Robert's friends complimented his wise action of purposely losing the battle. 

  "Yeah, so he would fulfill his plan for revenge," Robert responded. 

  "You're so cool," Peter said to him. 

  "Me too," Zarah added.

  "Thanks, you guys," Robert happily replied back.