Part 1

Mr Kim: Taehyung you have to marry y/n

Taehyung: Dad, have you lost your mind??

Taehyung: I am not gonna marry that girl....

Mr Kim: I am not asking your opinion..

Mr Kim: I have promised my friend....

Mr Kim: You have to marry y/n and it's final...

Mr Kim: You are getting married tomorrow...

At wedding:

Priest: Do you take Lee y/n as your lawfully wedded wife?

Taehyung: I do..( He said coldly)..

Priest: Do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband?

Y/n: I..I do...

Time Skip...

At Taehyung's house

Y/n Pov..

Wow this house is so beautiful...

I was busy watching the beautiful house until...

Taehyung pulled me and pinned me to a wall...

Taehyung: Why did you agree for this marriage??

Y/n: W-why? What happened..??

Taehyung: Did you even ask me for once whether I want to marry you or not??

Y/n: .......

Taehyung: I want an answer...

Taehyung: Let's get to the point..

Taehyung: I already have a gf who will come back from Australia soon.....

Taehyung: So never expect anything from me...

Taehyung: I will never accept you as my wife...

Y/n Pov..

I was just processing what was happening....

Y/n: You are joking right??...

Taehyung: From which angle do i look like joking??..

Taehyung: Listen i don't love you..I love someone else..So please tr-

(I cut him off)

Y/n: I understand

Y/n: Don't worry i will never force you for anything..

Y/n: I will remember my place....

Taehyung: It's good that you understand...

I smiled at him before speaking...

Y/n: But one more thing Mr Kim Taehyung

Y/n: You accept me as your wife or not it's totally your wish....

Y/n: But i accept you as my husband...

So i will do all my responsibility as a wife..

Taehyung: F**k your responsibility..I don't need anything from you...

Taehyung: Stop staring..bcz i will never be yours...

Y/n: Mm..ahem..I was not staring at you...

Y/n: Now what's that look??

Y/n: Believe it or not it's the truth...

Taehyung: Then good..Follow me i will show you ur room...

I nodded and he started walking while carrying my luggage...

He took me to this room...

Taehyung:This is your room..

From now on you will stay here...

Y/n: Oh...ok..

Taehyung: Make sure not to break any rules or else..

Y/n: I know you may leave now...

He nodded and was about to leave the room but suddenly he stopped and looked back at me...

Taehyung: Don't you dare to touch my things...

Taehyung: If i ever see you touch my things..then..

Taehyung: Then..that will be your worst day...

Y/n: Okk..Mr Kim i will remember that...

Taehyung: Hmm..good.

With that saying he left the room...

Y/n: What a luck y/n...

Y/n: Your husband didn't accept you as his own wife...

Y/n: Btw..I don't care..I think I need to sleep now...I am so tired...

With that saying i changed my dress and lay on the bed

Next day

I woke up as the sun rays hit my face..

Y/n: Oh i slept a lot...

With that saying I freshened up and went to the dining room...

When i go to the dining room..

I saw that Taehyung is already doing his breakfast...

And then one of the maids came towards me..

Maid: Mam..You must be Mrs Kim right??

Y/n: Y-

Taehyung: Don't call her by my name ..

Taehyung: She is not Mrs Kim and will never be...

Taehyung: So never treat her as my

wife if you want to save your job...

To be continued...