075 Flee in utter defeat!

All control is lost!

The elite soldiers of the veteran army were almost entirely paralyzed.

Watching the soldiers in the screen, who didn't flinch or evade even as the bugs tore at them, the generals, far away, still had no idea what was happening.

Aside from a faint sense of palpitations... they were also driven away by an anxious impatience.

Weslin furiously picked up the walkie-talkie, "What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

The voices coming from every corner of the battlefield were particularly jarring, yet no one responded.

Only when a black dot first fled backwards did movements gradually start to ripple across the entire battlefield.


The voice of Bai E was like a wake-up call for those in a deep slumber.

Some of the soldiers snapped out of it as if from a big dream, but still trembled with pale lips.