142 Blood Raven's Assault!

"Thump~ Thump~"

With the unknown lying ahead, Bai E's heart began to pump blood faster.

The combat arrangements made yesterday afternoon were meticulous, clearly outlining information about all potential enemies along the route and their respective battle plans. Even if not everyone could remember every detail, a general impression was enough to ensure they wouldn't be completely lost when an encounter occurred.

If his memory served him right, the so-called "Blood Crows" they were about to encounter were actually native species of the planet that had been contaminated by various biological spores released by the Bug Race.

These black birds, originally fond of carrion, cohabitated with a bloodthirsty plant in order to adapt to the drastically changing environment following the Bug Race's arrival. This plant took root inside their bodies and continuously drew nutrients from them, driving the birds to seek food frequently due to their insatiable hunger.