165 is executing

Likok's gaze hardened once again, and he abruptly turned to the supreme commander Gregory, "Commander, please give the order."

Could he really trust that synthetic soldier so much? Just because they had entered to provide support together for this brief period? What exactly had he done to earn such trust from all those who accompanied him?

Gregory's eyes flickered thoughtfully and he responded immediately, "I will follow your will."

He was a soldier, and a soldier's duty was to obey orders.

The final judgment was to follow Minister Likok's instructions completely; such were the orders he had received.

"Everyone, put down your guns, draw your blades! Charge in!"

However, the "missing" soldier's previous estimation about the number of personnel within the base turned out to be correct. By compiling the counts from each squad's independent kills and adding the number of bio-soldiers still stubbornly resisting, the total was indeed around a hundred people.