Phoenix 326

Even the mightiest gun is still a gun, and all guns fall under the dominion of Gun Fighting Skill.

As Bai E moved with agile grace, he climbed swiftly up the surface of the war machine, stepping on its clearly defined steel armor plates.

With both hands wrapped around the barrel, the gun's muzzle nearly pressed against the spine at the back of his opponent, Bai E suddenly pulled the trigger.


Due to certain practical constraints, even artificial intelligence found it difficult to create a fully armored individual that was both heavily armored and as flexible as the human body.

The massive war machine had its own vulnerabilities, which were obviously easier to target for a critical hit when up close.



Shot after shot, each one hit its mark.

Nevertheless, the adversary did not sit idly waiting for demise, but its close combat weapon modules and support modules clearly could not cope with Bai E in his Gun Fighting Skill state.