Nine Wisdom Bodhi

The Red Jade Golden Ginseng was an extremely rare treasure that Lin Yan had seen from a medicinal herb book in Qinghong Martial Arts School during this period of time. It could reconstruct one's foundation.

Now that he already had the strength of the Tough Realm, there was no need to hide it too much.

He was prepared to find an opportunity to pretend that he had found a precious medicine that could reconstruct his foundation in the Guangchuan Mountains. Then, he could naturally show his strength in Dragon Gate Pavilion.

After returning to his room, Lin Yan took out a yellowed cloth from last night's wooden box and spread it on the table.

There was a topographic map drawn on the cloth. It looked like mountains and rivers. On the top was the word Guangchuan. At the most critical point in the center, there was a cinnabar red dot.