Xie Lingyan

Qinghong Martial Arts School.

Lin Yan showed the concierge the high-grade token that he had already prepared, similar to a VIP certification, and walked straight in.

Qinghong Martial Arts School didn't take up a large area. It was a four-part architecture. There was a large martial arts arena in the courtyard. It was fully equipped and someone was practicing.

The rooms on all sides were divided into seven to eight separate martial arts halls.

Lin Yan took a look and wanted to look for the person in charge, but when he passed by the pantry, he stopped in his tracks.

On the left side of the pantry, there was a wooden table for four. There was a porcelain kettle and a few teacups on it.

In front of the wooden table, a healthy old man was holding a book. He was drinking tea and flipping through it. The name of the book was Medicinal Herbs Record.

Coincidentally, Elder Liu was there.

Lin Yan walked over and said, "Elder Liu."