Desperate Killing

Xie Lingyan followed Lin Yan and quickly sneaked away. Soon, they hid in an equipment room at the edge of the martial arts arena.

At this distance, they could already hear many wails, curses, and pleas for mercy.

In the entire martial arts arena, 70 to 80 disciples of the Dragon Gate Pavilion sat on the ground in a mess. They were weak. Lin Yan even saw Lou Xing and Yuan Jing.

Around him were 30 to 40 soldiers with short knives. Half of them had cold expressions, while the other half waved their saber hilts from time to time and smashed the disciples of Dragon Gate Pavilion, laughing wildly.

At the very front stood a tall and strange figure. It was extremely similar to the tall and strange person from Qinghong Martial Arts School. He held a rough green stone staff in his hand. Just by standing, he made the disciples of the Dragon Gate Pavilion opposite him fall silent.